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Welcome Military Families


We honor, respect, and appreciate the men and women who serve our country in such a dedicated way. As a parish, we have a strong commitment to pray for our military and their families, and to do our best to support our sailors, airmen, marines, and soldiers. We include prayers for the military at every Sunday and Holy Day Mass.


If you are a military family and are seeking a parish home, know that you will always be welcomed here, and that we will do all we can to make this home your home, for as long as you are stationed in our area.  We’ve worked to make ourselves available to Catholic communities in several military cities to make your PCS as smooth as possible.


While we seek to meet the needs of all of our parishioners in order to bring them into Communion with Christ and His Church, our pastoral staff, including our priest, understand that military families have unique needs and situations. We do our best to meet those needs while still maintaining fidelity to the guidelines and teachings of our Roman Catholic faith. We often make exceptions to deadlines, formation classes, and dates for Sacramental celebrations in order to accommodate your family. For our members who are deployed, our pastoral staff can often work long-distance to provide formation and preparation for the Sacraments.


If you are a military family, we simply ask that you register and get involved right away. While you are here, even if your stay is only brief, we would love to have you in our community. If you’ll make your best effort to be a part of our parish, we assure you we will do all we can to serve you. It is the least we can do.

Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Catholic Church


100 Harpersville Road

Newport News, VA 23601



Outreach Office


Pregnancy Outreach


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The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Saturday:  5pm

Sunday:    8am, 10am, 2pm (Spanish), 5pm


Monday:   5:30pm

Tuesday:  9am

Wednesday: 6:30pm

Thursday: 8am (with OLMC School), 6:30pm (Spanish)

Friday:  7am


The Rite of Penance (Confessions)

Saturday:  3:00pm

Wednesday: 5:00pm

Jueves: 5:30pm (en Español solamente)


The Most Blessed Sacrament is reserved in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel and open for private prayer each day from 7:00am-7:00pm.



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