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Vacation Bible School 2024

Updated: Jun 6, 2024

Summer of 2024 - June 17th to June 21st

Totally Catholic Vacation Bible School

Welcome to Real Presence: A trek through the Mystery of the Eucharist. The goal of VBS in this year of Eucharistic Revival is to discover how God always provides for His people. Each day children will focus on a different Eucharistic Bible story; each day’s message will be echoed through prayer, the opening skit, songs, a scripture station, a craft station, a service station, games and snacks. The week will include Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, where “the Church joins with the angels to adore the thrice-holy God” (CCC 335).

Register your children for VBS or Volunteer for VBS!

Monday, June 17 – Friday, June 21 from 9:00-12:30 PM each day.

Detailed information regarding VBS for parents is located here.  

Register your kids HERE (PreK - 5 grade)

Volunteers are needed for staffing the week of VBS and assist during the week. We need many volunteers, please contact Elizabeth at the parish or register to volunteer here.

Volunteer training is mandatory for all volunteers  (Thursday, June 6th in the evening or Sunday, June 9th in the morning). We also need Volunteers to help clean up on the last day.

Donations are needed to purchase volunteer T-shirts, supplies and to build the set and environment for the program. Gift cards to Lowe's, Walmart, or Target are great ways to allow us to purchase the needed items for the week.

To Pay for VBS you can click HERE and select VBS registrations, or VBS Supply donations if you want to make a donation to help us cover material costs.

Email Elizabeth at  if you have any questions.



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Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Catholic Church

100 Harpersville Road

Newport News, VA 23601


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The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Saturday:  5pm

Sunday:    8am, 10am, 2pm (Spanish), 5pm

Monday:   5:30pm

Tuesday:  9am

Wednesday: 6:30pm

Thursday: 8am (with OLMC School), 6:30pm (Spanish)

Friday:  7am

The Rite of Penance (Confessions)

Saturday:  3:00pm

Wednesday: 5:00pm

Jueves: 5:30pm (en Español solamente)

The Most Blessed Sacrament is reserved in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel and open for private prayer each day from 7:00am-7:00pm.

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