Summer of 2022 - June 20th to June 24th
Totally Catholic Vacation Bible School
Welcome to VBS: God’s Mighty Messengers! The goal of VBS this year is to introduce the children to angels, God’s messengers, by explaining what angels do and who the archangels are. Ultimately, these angels that light the path, guard us from evil, send messengers, and guide us to God, can also be models for us as Christians. We can take comfort in knowing we are protected by angels and strive to be messengers for God in the same way. Each day children will learn about one way that angels serve God; each day’s message will be echoed through prayer, the opening skit, songs, a story station, a craft station, a scripture station, games and snacks. The week will include Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, where “the Church joins with the angels to adore the thrice-holy God” (CCC 335).
Monday, June 20 – Friday, June 24 from 9-12:15 each day.
Decorating day is Saturday, June 18th, at 8:30 AM until we are done!! Sunday, June 19th for final touches, at 11am for all volunteers.
Volunteer training is mandatory for all volunteers (Thursday, June 9th in the evening or Saturday, June 11th in the morning).
We really need Volunteers to help decorate and clean up on the last day.
Participant registrations will be open soon!

Registrations for volunteers are now CLOSED. Please email Cristy at for other ways to volunteer if there are other spaces available or for other ways to help.
Please read our VBS FAQ's
Registrations for participants are now CLOSED.
To Pay for VBS you can click HERE and select VBS registrations, or VBS Supply donations if you want to make a donation to help us cover material costs