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Updated: Nov 20, 2023

Enter into the Mysteries of Christ and rediscover the power of the Rosary.

"An authentic encounter with Christ leads to our transformation and sanctification. Mysteries of the Rosary integrates deeply reflective insights on the life of Christ, theological truths, and captivating stories together with breathtaking scenery, illuminating sacred art, and inspiring music. By filming on location in the Holy Land, our aspiration is to make the Rosary come alive in the hearts and minds of the participants. Encounters with Christ in the episodes and discussions will lead to even deeper encounters with Him in personal prayer and contemplation." - Paradisus Dei team.

There are two different opportunities to join this study:

9am (women) 4 week session

7pm (men and women) 7 week session

All parishioners and their guests are invited to dig deeper into their prayer life about the Mysteries of the Rosary.

Welcome and introduction starts on Wednesday, November 29th in Room A.

Please register HERE or email Lisa at if you have additional questions.

To watch the trailer click here.



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Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Catholic Church

100 Harpersville Road

Newport News, VA 23601


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The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Saturday:  5pm

Sunday:    8am, 10am, 2pm (Spanish), 5pm

Monday:   5:30pm

Tuesday:  9am

Wednesday: 6:30pm

Thursday: 8am (with OLMC School), 6:30pm (Spanish)

Friday:  7am

The Rite of Penance (Confessions)

Saturday:  3:00pm

Wednesday: 5:00pm

Jueves: 5:30pm (en Español solamente)

The Most Blessed Sacrament is reserved in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel and open for private prayer each day from 7:00am-7:00pm.

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