First Penance And Holy Communion
The celebration of First Penance and First Holy Communion is one of the most joyful times in the life of the Catholic family. As parents and Godparents present their children for these important Sacraments in the life of the Church, they offer them a new opportunity to know the Lord's forgiveness and generosity.
Baptized Catholic children may begin preparation for these Sacraments at the age of 7 or when they have begun the 2nd Grade. Preparation for these Sacraments is satisfied with religious instruction at OLMC Catholic School, or by participating in our CCD (Confraternity of Christian Doctrine) program of catechesis, which begin on September 22. In addition, children and their parents are required to attend workshops for both the celebration of Penance and Holy Communion.
Parent orientations (need only attend one) for First Sacraments will be on Sunday, September 15, at 11:30 AM OR Tuesday, September 17, at 7:00 PM in the OLMC School Cafeteria. First Reconciliation Workshops begin October (assigned alphabetically by last name).
For information or to register, contact the parish office at 757-595-0385.
Register in English HERE.
Regístrese en Español AQUÍ.