OLMC welcomes you and your child on this joyous occasion. Baptism is the foundation for all sacramental life. Through baptism we are freed from sin and initiated into the Christian community of believers.
Parents seeking Baptism for their child are encouraged to contact the parish office at 757-595-0385 for more information about how to register, the role of godparents and the dates available for the celebration.
Baptisms are celebrated on Sundays throughout the year, either within Sunday Mass or separately. Parents are asked to attend a preparation session for their first child being Baptized. During the session, parents will be invited to consider their own Christian faith, the responsibilities that come from decision to baptize their child, their role as the first educators of the faith for their child and become familiar with the role of godparents and the Rite of Baptism for Children.
Godparent requirements:
Please note that Godparents take on a special role in the life of a Catholic child being baptized. Every child being baptized must have at least one Catholic godparent. They may have two godparents (one Godfather and one Godmother). Godparents must be active, practicing Catholics, who have received Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist, if they are married their marriage must be in the Catholic Church, and must be practicing the faith - including regularly attending Holy Mass on Sundays and Holy Days.
Baptism Classes for parents and/or godparents are typically offered the First Wednesday of every month. Please contact Elizabeth Kassel at 757-595-0385, ext. 104 OR ekassel@olmc.org.