Jun 6, 20202 min

Online Giving

Thank you so much for your willingness to share your regular tithe with us through a direct deposit giving program.  Direct Deposit giving is good for our parishioners – allowing them to give a prayerful sacrifice to the work of the Church and maintain a consistent giving.  It is also a great benefit to the parish – allowing us to be consistent in our budgeting, prevent gaps from travel or vacations, and saves us considerable overhead in data entry and depositing.  We are so grateful that you have chosen to make your sacrificial gifts to the parish through Direct Deposit tithing.

After a lot of research and looking and E-giving firms, we have decided to move our E-giving and Direct Deposit tithing process to a company called Tithe.ly. We chose them for ease of use and the ability to give a recurring or one-time gift. 

To begin regular giving with Tithe.ly:

Sign up with Tithe.ly for a recurring donation by following this link.  It is simple and easy to create a new account with them and sign up to tithe regularly. The fees are lower if you will use your checking account to directly tithe.  If you use a credit card or debit card, you will see the option to “covering the fee” so that the parish does not have to pay the fee. 

Again, to sign up online, simply go to Tithe.ly by clicking here and begin.  You can create your own account from that page in order to manage it.


If you would prefer to simply sign up over the phone with Tithe.ly, please call Carla Weimer in the parish business office at 757-595-0385 and have your banking or credit card information ready when you call.
