Advisory Bodies
Finance Council
As shepherd of a parish community entrusted to his care by the Bishop, the pastor is called to share in the teaching, sanctifying and governing ministry of Christ (C. 519). To enable that ministry, he is charged with the administration of the goods of the church. He represents the parish in all juridical matters and takes care that the temporal goods of the church are administered in accord with the canons of the Code of Canon Law (C. 532; 1281-1288), and diocesan statutes and instructions (C. 1276) as well as the precepts or directives given by the Bishop in a particular case (C. 49). The pastor as the administrator of the parish does not stand alone. The Parish Finance Council is to assist him in carrying out the work of financial administration (C. 1280). Not a board of directors but a council of collaborators, the Parish Finance Council is required in every parish (C.537). Finance Council members are appointed by the pastor for a term of 3 years.
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Finance Council:
Mr. Jim Ellis, Chairman
Mr. Mark Adams
Mrs. Pat Gorman
Mrs. Tricia Meir
Mrs. Teresa Mummert
Parish Consultors
The Parish Consultors serve alongside the Finance Council as an advisory body of parishioners to assist the pastor of the parish in both financial and other matters. Their primary function is to serve as a consultative body to the pastor, in order to offer guidance, consultation, and collaboration in the exercise of the ministry of the parish. They attend and consult during Finance Council meetings, assist with strategic and evangelical plans for the parish, and offer a sounding board for the pastor in his work teaching, sanctifying, and governing the ministry of the parish. They act as individual consultors to the pastor and staff, not as one body, and are appointed by the pastor without a specific term.
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish Consultors:
Mr. Bill Beatovich
Mrs. Stacey Ippolito
Mr. Robert McKenna
Mrs. Mia Siochi